At Shepherd Chiropractic Clinic, we believe in a holistic approach to health—one that supports the body’s natural ability to heal and thrive. While many people associate chiropractic care with pain relief, research suggests its benefits go far beyond spinal health. Chiropractic adjustments may influence key biomarkers—measurable indicators of health—helping to regulate immune function, inflammation, and the body’s stress response.
From Dr. Ronald Pero’s groundbreaking research to more recent scientific studies, there is growing evidence that chiropractic care can play a vital role in supporting wellness for the whole family.
One of the earliest and most influential studies on chiropractic and immune function came from Dr. Ronald Pero, chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute. His study compared three groups:
His findings were remarkable:
Pero’s research suggested that regular chiropractic care helps the nervous system function optimally, which in turn strengthens the immune system—an essential factor in holistic family wellness.
Since Dr. Pero’s study, researchers have continued to explore how chiropractic care affects measurable biomarkers related to inflammation, stress, and nervous system function.
A recent study examined how chiropractic adjustments influence brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II), and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)—all critical for brain plasticity, nerve function, and development. While changes in these biomarkers were observed, they were similar in both the chiropractic and control groups, indicating the need for further research on chiropractic’s role in brain health (PMC, 2023).
Chronic inflammation is a major contributor to health issues such as autoimmune disorders, heart disease, and chronic pain. A 2024 study found that spinal adjustments can influence oxidative stress and pro-resolution inflammatory markers, indicating a potential role in regulating the body’s natural healing and anti-inflammatory processes (Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 2024).
Stress affects both adults and children, leading to long-term health issues when not properly managed. Chiropractic adjustments have been found to influence heart rate variability (HRV), a key indicator of the body’s ability to adapt to stress. Studies also suggest spinal adjustments may lower cortisol levels, reducing the body’s overall stress burden (PMC, 2024).
The nervous system plays a central role in regulating health across all ages, from infants to seniors. A study published in Scientific Reports found that chiropractic care can impact somatosensory processing, sensorimotor integration, and motor control, which are crucial for movement accuracy, coordination, and recovery from injuries (Nature, 2019).
At Shepherd Chiropractic Clinic, we see firsthand how chiropractic adjustments improve the health and well-being of families. By enhancing nervous system function, reducing inflammation, and improving stress resilience, chiropractic care supports:
Holistic family wellness isn’t just about treating symptoms—it’s about creating a foundation for long-term health. Chiropractic care is a safe, natural, and effective way to support your family’s well-being from infancy to adulthood. Whether you’re looking to boost immune function, reduce stress, or enhance overall vitality, regular chiropractic adjustments can be a key part of your wellness routine.
At Shepherd Chiropractic Clinic, we are committed to providing holistic chiropractic care tailored to every member of your family. Schedule an appointment today and take the next step toward optimal wellness!
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